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My cards for swap (Hits: 16105)
Jetoy Offer (12)
Switzerland (180)
Where I'm from ;)
UNESCO World Heritages - Switzerland, Swiss Traditions, Swiss Animals ...
Other Countries (78)
Croatia, Germany, Great Britain & Ireland ...
UNESCO World Heritages - Worldwide (29)
UNESCO World Heritages from around the world
Mount Fuji, Old Town of Rhodes, Plitvice Lakes ...
Animals (74)
Big animals, small animals
-> for animals connected to Switzerland see album "Switzerland" -> "Animals"

Birds, Butterflies & friends, Cats ...
Books (39)
Covers, Characters and... books?
Books in General, Children's books, Fantasy Books ...
Flowers (8)
and some trees
Games (9)
Movies & TV (26)
Film, Series, Anime...
Movies, Series, Anime
Fantasy (2)
Dragons, Elfes and stuff
Lali (6)
Hearts & Balloons (8)
including Hot Air Balloons
Food (9)
Holidays (6)
Christmas, Halloween...
Christmas, Halloween
Vehicles (22)
Trains, cars, planes and other stuff that moves
Cars, Planes, Trains
Text (8)
mostly German
People (5)
Famous ones & not so famous ones
Mixed (7)
Art, comics, mail related, special cards
Unwritten (19)

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